Subscribe NOW to the ELES online Study Skills Handbook site:
What is the process to subscribe?
- Send us your school’s subscription form (scroll down below to tform).
- We will send you an invoice within 24 hours. Depending on the time of year, the amount may be adjusted pro rata.
- Once payment is received we will activate your school’s username and password for the site. You can then give these details to all the students, parents and teachers in your secondary school and place them in your school newsletter etc.
Can you subscribe for just one year group or just the senior school? No.
- We only offer whole school secondary subscriptions. You are given a single username and password for the whole school to use.
- We do not offer partial school subscriptions.
- You can’t just subscribe for one or two year groups or for part of the school.
- You can’t subscribe for one year group for a year as a trial.
- You need to select your TOTAL high school Years 7-12 numbers on the subscription form. Even if you only use the site with one year group at school, all other parents and students in the other year groups can use the site at home.
- If you only want to use this site with one group and not let the rest of the school access the site, you need to look for a different study skills provider.
- Our subscriptions are based on total secondary school enrolment numbers as the whole school has access with the school password and the newsletter items with login details.
- If your school has multiple campuses located on different physical locations and separate school newsletters, then each campus will have a separate subscription.
Current special offers on pricing (new subscribers only)
- ▶ The one-off Joining fee of $550 is currently waived. (Annual subscription fees still apply.)
SUBSCRIPTION FORM OPTION 1: Print and Text/Email Form to Subscribe
Click here to Access the subscription form then:
– type into the form, save it and email it to
– or scan the completed form (or take a photo with your phone) and email it to
– or post the completed form to PO Box 9 Neutral Bay NSW 2089
– or take a photo of the page with your phone and text it to 0416 293 087
– Note: to find out more about the SSL option visit the Pricing page.
SUBSCRIPTION FORM OPTION 2: Fill in the Online Form Below to Subscribe