Current Special Offers on Pricing (New Subscribers Only)
▶ The one-off Joining fee of $550 is currently waived. (Annual subscription fees still apply.)
Subscription Fees
Annual subscription fees are listed below, are for a calendar year, are in Australian dollars, and include GST for Australian schools. If you subscribe part-way through a year the fees for that year are adjusted.
Fees are based on the TOTAL number of Years 7-12 students at your school.
Note: We do NOT offer individual or part-school or single year group subscriptions. Our subscriptions are based on TOTAL secondary school enrolment numbers (i.e the number of Years 7-12 students who attend your school) as the whole school (including parents and teachers) has access with the school login details even if you only use the site at school with one or two year groups. Schools with multiple campuses located on different physical locations and separate school newsletters will need separate subscriptions for each campus.
AUD$250 for a teeny school (total of 0-100 students in Years 7-12 at your school)
AUD$500 for a very small school (total of 100-250 students in Yrs 7-12 at your schl)
AUD$750 for a small school (250-500 students in Years 7-12 at your school)
AUD$1000 for a medium school (500-800 students in Years 7-12 at your school)
AUD$1250 for a large school (800-1100 students in Years 7-12 at your school)
AUD$1500 for a very large school (1100+ students in Years 7-12 at your school)
Unlike many subscription sites that charge annual fees of $25-$99 or more per student, for most schools the study skills handbook works out at less than $2 per student per year.
For less than $2 per student for most schools, every student, parent and teacher in your school has unlimited access to the site and all the online activities at school and at home for a whole year!

Supercharge your subscription by upgrading to include the Study Samurai Library Videos!
If you are looking for resources for both study skills AND mental health and wellbeing, adding the Study Samurai Library to your subscription is a must.
The Study Samurai Library upgrades your subscription to the Study Skills Handbook site to ALSO include
- The Library of 75 videos (around 20 mins each) by Dr Prue Salter and Rocky Biasi on study skills and wellbeing
- and as a bonus, the Human Connection’s online wellbeing course
▶ Click here to watch a video explaining the difference between SSH and SSL.
▶ To see the full list of topics and content in these online resources: SSH and SSL Topics.
▶ Price for Study Skills Handbook Vs New Total if you add on the Study Samurai Library:
AUD$500 for a very small school (100-250 students in sec. school) OR add on STUDY SAMURAI for new price: AUD$800
AUD$750 for a small school (250-500 students in sec. school) OR add on STUDY SAMURAI for new price: AUD$1200
AUD$1000 for a medium school (500-800 students in sec. school) OR add on STUDY SAMURAI for new price: AUD$1600
AUD$1250 for a large school (800-1100 students in sec. school) OR add on STUDY SAMURAI for new price: AUD$2000
AUD$1500 for a very large school (1100+ students in sec. school) OR add on STUDY SAMURAI for new price: AUD$2400
▶ Find out more at Study Samurai Library Info.
▶ When you complete the Subscription Form subscription form you can choose the standard Study Skills Handbook subscription or the upgrade option. You can also choose to upgrade at a later date.