When your school subscribes to studyskillshandbook.com.au
ALL of your Years 7-12 students, parents and teachers can access the study skills resources and units of learning on the site.
Subscribe to the
Study Skills Handbook website to access:
- Well-researched resources: no need for teachers to develop material themselves.
- Ready-to-go programs: with the flexibility to fit the time your school has available.
- Constantly updated resources: do you know the latest tools for managing tech addiction?
- Grateful parents! Parents can learn how to contribute to improving their child’s learning skills.
- Monthly study skills tips: for you to include in your school newsletter.
- Up-skilled students: while a few students seem to develop these skills naturally, for many their only avenue to become a more effective learner is through what is provided by their school.
- A great resource for the whole school community to access.

Each unit on the site…
has learning activities, videos, quizzes and activities to help students learn to be better learners. Teachers can allocate quizzes to students and check progress of classes. Lots of useful grids and planners are also provided on the site for students to use.
More Information?
Review the LIST OF TOPICS your school can access when you subscribe.
Still more questions? You can email Dr Salter at info@enhanced-learning.net